.ACCESSOR file extension

This is the basic program to work with .ACCESSOR extension

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio Accessor file

Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 delivers on the Microsoft vision of smart client applications by enabling developers to rapidly create connected applications that deliver the highest quality, rich user experiences. With Visual Studio 2008, organizations will find it easier than ever before to capture and analyze information to help them make effective business decisions... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: h, i, c, s, cd, fs, vb, mk, rc, ad, dd, cs, cxx, map, mtx, def, tlh, tli, dmp, mdp, srf, dsp, svc, fsi, cur, vcp, dsw, odh, vcw, dtd, trx, odl, fsx, vdp, asm, hpp, rc2, wiq, hxx, rct, xdr, idl, res, cod, xsd, inc, rgs, inl, ldd, cpp, lst, sdl, mak, skin, dbml, mdmp, asax, ascx, ashx, edmx, xoml, asmx, wsdl, host, aspx, rdlc, xmta, xslt, disco, psess, vsmdi, ipproj, master, fsproj, config, snippet, webtest, sitemap, accessor, loadtest, coverage and vstemplate

.ACCESSOR extension is also supported by the following programs:

Microsoft Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio Accessor file

It provides a Silverlight project system for developing Silverlight applications.
Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Templates for Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Templates for Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio Accessor file

This release contains project templates for using Visual Studio 2008.
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008

Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 Visual Studio Accessor file

Visual Studio 2008

Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio Accessor file