.DCL file extension

This is the basic program to work with .DCL extension

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition AutoCAD Dialog Definition

This is a development kit widely used for Server programming using Java platform. The difference between the Standard Edition is that it contains libraries that provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based mostly on modular components running on an application server... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: ini, dat, log, nfo, bd, as, jsp, xld, psf, lsp, cmd, swp, com, pat, dcs, dic, rtx, mnu, srl, exc, exp, mac, adt, pgp, edn, kmp, sql, cus, dce, cer, cfg, map, dcl, scp, crt, net, trc, dxt, wtx, der, pmp, err, zap, inf, prs, avs, las, mns, scr, csp, ade, mln, ins, sct, adp, mnl, mmp, shb, isp, mde, shp, fmp, shs, lin, pld, unt, rpt, wsc, slg, upd, xlg, drc, ibp, nfl, conf, ovpn and text

.DCL extension is also supported by the following programs:


UltraEdit AutoCAD Dialog Definition

Rich text editor that provides syntax highlighting and code folding options.
Btrieve Workstation Engine

Btrieve Workstation Engine AutoCAD Dialog Definition

DropChute Enterprise

DropChute Enterprise DropChute Enterprise Entry

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Definizione delle finestre di dialogo di AutoCAD

Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Rational Test RealTime

Rational Test RealTime Rational Test RealTime Component Testing for C++ Declaration File

A cross-platform solution for component testing and runtime analysis.
Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office AutoCAD Dialog Definition

Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.