.DVR-M file extension

This is the basic program to work with .DVR-M extension

FantasyDVD Platinum

FantasyDVD Platinum FantasyDVD Multimedia File

FantasyDVD Player is a program to play audio and video files which combines usability and functionality at a time. Everything you need to enjoy your favorite song or movie, you can find in this program. A brand variety of audio and video effects and different special features make video viewing or music listening unforgettable... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: mp4, dat, avi, ifo, wma, mkv, wmv, bmp, gif, vob, jpg, mp3, ra, mov, qt, rm, rp, rt, au, wm, tp, it, ts, xm, mpa, stz, ram, mpe, xmz, mac, smi, mpg, div, aif, rmi, snd, m2p, dts, ape, wav, aob, ofr, mka, trp, m1v, vro, mp1, m2v, itz, ac3, ofs, ogg, mid, mdz, apl, rpm, ogm, mtm, dvd, mod, s3m, mks, mp2, s3z, stm, kar, mpeg, rmvb, smil, divx, aifc, aiff, flac, midi, dvr-m, dtswa and audiocd

.DVR-M extension is also supported by the following programs:


jetAudio FantasyDVD Multimedia File

JetAudio Basic is a video and music player but it also can burn CD's,record,etc.
FantasyDVD Player

FantasyDVD Player FantasyDVD Multimedia File

FantasyDVD is an exquisite and powerful software DVD player. Special 10 Band Equalizer for DVD playb...