.GRD file extension

This is the basic program to work with .GRD extension

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS6 software delivers even more imaging magic, new creative options, and the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine for blazingly fast performance. Get consistent formatting with type styles, use vector layers to apply strokes and add gradients to vector objects, easily create custom strokes and much more... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: png, bmp, psd, pdf, gif, nfo, jpg, jpeg, ins, pct, 8by, icb, asv, dds, pdp, 8li, psf, atf, stn, pic, abr, tga, atn, acf, vda, ava, aco, pat, axt, act, kys, cha, psp, acv, pcd, csf, pxr, ado, pcx, csh, 8ba, raw, ahs, pdd, dib, 8bc, sct, ahu, ffo, 8be, shc, alv, fpx, 8bf, tif, amp, bsi, grd, 8bi, ams, bsl, jpe, 8bp, vst, apl, bsz, 8bs, api, asl, pmg, 8bx, eps, ast, sl00, pict, sl11, wbmp and tiff

.GRD extension is also supported by the following programs:

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Go from quick photo fixes to total transformations.

Surfer Surfer Grid

Perform 3D surface mapping, surface analysis, or terrain modeling.

Artweaver Artweaver Gradient

A painting tool with a huge set of predefined realistic brushes.

Canvas Canvas Gradient Inks

Canvas is a program which allows you to create and share technical illustration.
Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player

Flash Player Standalone is a free program designed to play Flash format files.
Sheet Lightning

Sheet Lightning

Create designs with complex intersections of many sheet material objects.
TatukGIS Editor

TatukGIS Editor TatukGIS File

It is a general purpose GIS desktop mapping and data editing application.
Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Acrobat Professional

Create, edit, convert, sign, annotate, and compress PDF documents.
Boris FX

Boris FX Boris Gradient Style

Boris FX gives you every tool you will ever need for your video projects.
Geoff Hamilton's 3D Garden Designer

Geoff Hamilton's 3D Garden Designer

This encyclopedia is an invaluable reference tool for any gardening enthusiast.
Boris RED

Boris RED Boris Gradient Style

Boris RED is an integrated 3D compositing, titling and effects application.
Boris FX Ltd

Boris FX Ltd Boris Gradient Style