.INI file extension

This is the basic program to work with .INI extension

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition Configuration Settings

This is a development kit widely used for Server programming using Java platform. The difference between the Standard Edition is that it contains libraries that provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based mostly on modular components running on an application server... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: ini, dat, log, nfo, as, bd, err, zap, inf, prs, avs, las, mns, scr, csp, ade, adp, mln, ins, sct, mnl, mmp, shb, isp, mde, shp, fmp, shs, lin, pld, unt, rpt, wsc, slg, upd, xlg, drc, ibp, nfl, jsp, xld, psf, lsp, cmd, swp, com, pat, dcs, dic, rtx, mnu, srl, exc, exp, mac, adt, pgp, cus, edn, kmp, sql, dce, cer, cfg, map, dcl, scp, crt, net, trc, dxt, wtx, der, pmp, text, conf and ovpn

.INI extension is also supported by the following programs:


UltraEdit Configuration Settings

Rich text editor that provides syntax highlighting and code folding options.

Notepad++ Notepad++ Document

A free source code editor and Notepad replacement.
Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition

Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition Configuration Settings


GetDiz GetDiz Document

Notepad replacement with incredible speed, ease of use, stability, small size.

TextPad Configuration Settings

Edit plain text files, web pages, program codes, and other text documents.

MV2Player Configuration Settings

Mv2 player is a freeware multimedia player for Windows, very small and freeware.

NoteMagic Print program ini files

NoteMagic, a text editor , with more features than some word processors.

MSWLogo Configuration Settings

Logo is an interactive programming language for adventurers of all ages.
Object Edit

Object Edit Initialization File

Object Edit was originally designed to bridge the gap between Notepad & WordPad.
APEX True DBGrid Pro

APEX True DBGrid Pro Configuration Settings

True DBGrid Pro add powerful data bound grids to your application.
PhotoGIF Filter

PhotoGIF Filter Configuration Settings


ObjectStore Configuration Settings


ColorSafe Configuration Settings

ColorSafe is a filter plugin for Adobe Photoshop and compatible applications.