.OVPN file extension

This is the basic program to work with .OVPN extension

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition

Java 2 SDK Standard Edition OpenVPN Config File

This is a development kit widely used for Server programming using Java platform. The difference between the Standard Edition is that it contains libraries that provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based mostly on modular components running on an application server... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: dat, ini, log, nfo, bd, as, shs, lin, mde, shp, fmp, wsc, slg, pld, unt, rpt, ibp, nfl, upd, xlg, drc, psf, lsp, jsp, xld, com, pat, dcs, cmd, swp, rtx, mnu, srl, dic, exp, mac, adt, exc, pgp, kmp, sql, cus, edn, cfg, map, dce, cer, crt, net, trc, dcl, scp, der, pmp, dxt, wtx, inf, prs, avs, err, zap, scr, csp, ade, las, mns, sct, adp, mln, ins, shb, isp, mnl, mmp, conf, ovpn and text