.PSP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .PSP extension

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS6 software delivers even more imaging magic, new creative options, and the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine for blazingly fast performance. Get consistent formatting with type styles, use vector layers to apply strokes and add gradients to vector objects, easily create custom strokes and much more... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: jpg, nfo, png, psd, bmp, pdf, gif, jpeg, jpe, 8bp, vst, apl, bsz, 8bs, api, asl, pmg, 8bx, eps, ast, pct, 8by, icb, asv, ins, pdp, 8li, psf, atf, dds, stn, pic, abr, tga, atn, acf, vda, ava, aco, pat, axt, act, kys, psp, acv, pcd, cha, pxr, ado, pcx, csf, csh, 8ba, raw, ahs, pdd, dib, 8bc, sct, ahu, ffo, 8be, shc, alv, fpx, 8bf, tif, amp, bsi, grd, 8bi, ams, bsl, sl00, pict, sl11, wbmp and tiff

.PSP extension is also supported by the following programs:


IrfanView IrfanView PSP File

Universal photo viewer, converter, and photo-slideshow creator.
Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Go from quick photo fixes to total transformations.
PaintShop Photo Pro

PaintShop Photo Pro Paint Shop Pro Studio Image

Photo-Editing software for amateur photographers and profesionals.

GIMP Jasc PaintShopPro image

GIMP is a free versatile graphics manipulation package.


Organize, view, edit, print, catalog and find all of your graphic files.
Ulead Photo Explorer

Ulead Photo Explorer

Ulead Photo Explorer is a complete solution for digital media enthusiasts.
Zoner Photo Studio X

Zoner Photo Studio X PSP bitmap image

Import, organize, edit, filter, and share your photos with automated tools.
AT&T Dial Connection Manager

AT&T Dial Connection Manager Prodigy Internet Enrollment-Signup

AT&T Yahoo! Dial Connection Manager

AT&T Yahoo! Dial Connection Manager Prodigy Internet Enrollment-Signup


CodeWright CodeWright Programmer's Editing System

It's an IDE that offers easy and advanced coding tools.

Firegraphic PSP Image

Firegraphic is a powerful tool for organizing and editing photos.
Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player

Flash Player Standalone is a free program designed to play Flash format files.
Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Acrobat Professional

Create, edit, convert, sign, annotate, and compress PDF documents.