.STN file extension

This is the basic program to work with .STN extension

The Print Shop Photo Pro

The Print Shop Photo Pro STG Photo Pro Image

The program works with the following extensions: pza, pzp, pzs, img, eps, pcd, fpx, stn, epsf, epsi and stng

.STN extension is also supported by the following programs:

MGI PhotoSuite II SE

MGI PhotoSuite II SE STG MGI PhotoSuite II Image

MGI PhotoSuite

MGI PhotoSuite MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image

MGI PhotoSuite III SE

MGI PhotoSuite III SE MGI PhotoSuite III Image

HMIWeb Station

HMIWeb Station Station Setup File

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop STiNG File

Adobe Photoshop delivers more imaging magic, stunning creative options and more.

StickyNote StickyNote file

StickyNote allows you to create simple text notes or notes with 3D effect.
Symtrax Telnet

Symtrax Telnet Telnet Session File


MetaBuilder Program Stencil File

MGI PhotoSuite II

MGI PhotoSuite II STG MGI PhotoSuite II Image