.ZOI file extension

This is the basic program to work with .ZOI extension

ZoneAlarm Security

ZoneAlarm Security

ZoneAlarm Security is a firewall and anti-virus software program. The program features: inbound firewall, program control, anti-virus and antispyware, parental controls, browser security, E-mail protection, identity, identity protection, hard drive encryption, and more... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: z0, z1, zoj, zll, zmy, zm2, znj, zl5, zno, zoq, zlm, zmz, zm3, znk, zl6, zmf, zoc, zou, zln, zn0, zm4, znl, zl7, zot, zov, zlo, zn1, zm5, znm, zl8, zop, zoz, zlp, zn3, zm6, znn, zl9, zmj, zp0, zlq, zn6, zm7, znr, zla, zmm, zp4, zlr, zn7, zm8, zns, zlb, zmn, zp5, zls, zn8, zm9, znt, zlc, zld, zmo, zp6, zlt, zn9, zoo, zma, znv, zle, zmq, zp8, zlu, znb, zmb, znw, zlf, zmr, zlw, znd, zmc, znx, zlg, zms, zlx, zne, zl0, zmd, zny, znz, zlh, zmu, zly, znf, zl1, zme, zo1, zli, zmv, zlz, zng, zl2, zor, zoa, zlj, zmw, zm0, znh, zl3, zmp, zoi, zlk, zmx, zm1, zni, zl4 and zna