
.3GP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .3GP extension


QuickTime 3GPP Movie

Includes support for the key media formats, such as H.264 and AAC. The QuickTime web browser plug-in is no longer installed by default and is removed if you have a previous version of QuickTime on your PC. If you still need this legacy plug-in, you can add it back using the custom setup option in the installer... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: bmp, mp3, gif, mp4, jpg, swf, png, psd, mkv, avi, jpeg, mov, dv, au, qt, amr, xpl, m4b, qif, ac3, bwf, mac, mp2, m4p, sd2, sdp, caf, jp2, m4v, dib, sdv, mpa, m75, smf, cel, mpe, jpe, smi, dif, rgb, sgi, mpg, mpm, sml, aif, flc, rmi, mpv, pct, pic, swa, fli, m2a, snd, mqv, ulw, gsm, mmv, pls, vfw, kar, pnt, wav, qcp, m15, qti, 3g2, qht, tif, m4e, m1v, m1a, 3gp, tga, m2v, m1s, m3u, qtl, amc, mps, mid, m4a, qup, aac, rts, midi, rtsp, cdda, pntg, qtif, mpeg, smil, mpg4, aifc, pict, aiff, qhtm, tiff, moov, 3gp2, adts, mpga, 3gpp, targa, m3url and movie

.3GP extension is also supported by the following programs:


RealPlayer 3GPP Content

RealPlayer is one of the most popular video player.
Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player 3G2 File

A powerful and convenient media manager from Microsoft.

MpcStar 3GP video file

An all-in-one package of video player, audio player and many codecs.
AVS DVD Player

AVS DVD Player AVS DVD Player Files

AVS DVD Player plays movie DVDs, video and audio files right on your computer.


QVOD player (Nora) is a powerful universal player.
mpegable Player

mpegable Player 3GPP File

MPEG-4 player with postprocessing abilities.
AVS Media Player

AVS Media Player AVS Media Player Files

Watch video, play audio, and view your pictures regardless of format.
Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player is a media player supporting a vast number of file formats.
Haihaisoft Universal Player

Haihaisoft Universal Player

This program allows you to play your favorite multimedia files.

ALShow ALShow 3GP File

Codecs included movie player plays videos without searching for codecs.

Kantaris Kantaris Video File

Kantaris is a multimedia file player that supports a large variety of formats.

SonicStage AAC Files

Music utility that allows you to import music from a variety of sources.
Nokia Nseries Video Manager

Nokia Nseries Video Manager Nokia Nseries Video Manager 3gp File