.ANI file extension

This is the basic program to work with .ANI extension


ACDSee Animated Cursor

As a practical amateur, your photo collection keeps expanding and you need to keep your workflow flowing... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, tgz, png, psd, ico, zip, bmp, wmf, gif, jpg, rar, djvu, jpeg, z, bw, tbz, sid, kdc, crw, jpk, cur, ldf, sr2, dcr, jpx, uue, dcx, lwf, dng, plp, rsb, psp, bay, erf, thm, j2c, raw, cs1, mos, ttc, jif, tif, djv, mrw, ttf, cab, jp2, nef, v7o, dib, lbm, fff, ace, orf, v7p, emf, pgm, bwf, fpx, arj, pbm, pcd, xif, pix, qcp, icl, bz2, pcx, xpm, ppm, sml, icn, pef, wbm, jpe, ras, ulw, int, lha, raf, ais, rgb, xbm, lzh, srf, art, eps, iw4, b64, ddf, pct, sgi, tga, j2k, tar, taz, ani, mag, pic, cr2, jpc, pict, qtpf, tiff, jfif, inta, rgba, wbmp and 032

.ANI extension is also supported by the following programs:


IrfanView IrfanView ANI File

Universal photo viewer, converter, and photo-slideshow creator.

ALSee ALSee ANI File

ALSee is a user-friendly and convenient image viewer and photo editor.
Jasc Animation Shop

Jasc Animation Shop Animation Shop Animation


AniTuner Animated Cursor

A free program to easily create, edit and convert personalized animated cursors.

IconArt Animated Icon Document

IconArt is a compact and easy to use cursor and icon creator.

CursorDance Animated Cursor

Axialis CursorWorkshop

Axialis CursorWorkshop Animated Cursor

CursorWorkshop creates quality cursors for Windows computers and websites.

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AWicons Pro

AWicons Pro .ani

Powerful icon editor, small graphics editor, cursor maker.
SnIco Edit

SnIco Edit Animated Cursor


UniView UniView ANI Image

UniView is a powerful and wieldy image viewer, converter and manipulation tool.
AWicons Lite

AWicons Lite .ani

AWicons Lite allows the user to manage, create and import icons, cursors.