.APP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .APP extension

Microsoft Visual FoxPro

Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application

Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 is an object-oriented relational database management system. This new release of Visual FoxPro includes many improved and enhanced features. However, there can be some behavioral changes as this new release includes certain functionalities that differ from the previous versions. The latest update for Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 is Service Pack 2 which is free... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: dbc, fpt, frt, frx, lbt, lbx, mnt, mnx, mpr, sct, pjt, dbf, pjx, app, qpr, dct, qpx, fxp, scx, mpx, vct, prg and vcx

.APP extension is also supported by the following programs:

Setup SetupS

Setup SetupS Setup SetupS Silent Install

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise Edition

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise Edition Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application

An integrated, end-to-end solution for teams of any size.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application

Exposes OLE DB interfaces that you can use to access Visual FoxPro databases.
PSoC Designer

PSoC Designer PSoC Designer Application

It's a software that allows you to customize PSoC .
AutoPlotter Ver Professional

AutoPlotter Ver Professional AutoPlotter+ Project

Micro Focus Net Express

Micro Focus Net Express COBOL Project Definition File

Is a highly productive development environment for COBOL.
Centura Team Developer

Centura Team Developer Normal Mode Application

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application

It lets developers create applications across the web, cloud, and devices.

NetExpress COBOL Project Definition File

AutoPlotter Professional

AutoPlotter Professional AutoPlotter+ Project

Microsoft Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider

Microsoft Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application


AutoPlotter AutoPlotter+ Project

AutoPlotter can do it all for you in a way which you will always appreciate.
EZ Loader

EZ Loader Cybiko Application