.AWB file extension

This is the basic program to work with .AWB extension


RealPlayer AMR Wide-Band Content

RealPlayer is one of the most popular video player and the only player that can play "real video" files properly - real video files are compact in size. The program has an audio/video library just like Windows Media Player. It can also be used to view web pages and download videos... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: swf, dat, avi, flv, mkv, wma, wmv, vob, mp4, mp3, ifo, gif, rm, au, dv, rf, wm, rp, mov, rt, rv, qt, ra, aa, sc, rec, asx, mns, amr, wav, rmj, rpm, wax, rmm, flc, cda, fli, m1v, rom, rmx, m4a, dvd, m2v, mp1, vpg, m4p, m4v, acp, m3u, ogg, mmf, wmx, rnx, mid, npi, wvx, bmo, awb, lks, 3g2, mpv, bmr, mp2, ivr, mbc, 3gp, rvx, pls, bmt, m4e, obv, ssm, la1, mpa, wbs, rmp, lar, mpe, ram, aif, rts, rax, aac, mps, sdp, lqt, mpg, rjs, ac3, rpl, asf, smi, mnd, rmi, rjt, xpl, smil, divx, flac, camv, rmvb, rsml, midi, 3gp2, 3gpp, mpga, lavs, mpeg, aiff, audiocd, r1m, r3t and 78

.AWB extension is also supported by the following programs:

AVS DVD Player

AVS DVD Player AVS DVD Player File

AVS DVD Player plays movie DVDs, video and audio files right on your computer.
AVS Media Player

AVS Media Player AVS Media Player File

Watch video, play audio, and view your pictures regardless of format.
Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player is a media player supporting a vast number of file formats.


JetAudio Basic is a video and music player but it also can burn CD's,record,etc.
Sothink FLV Player

Sothink FLV Player

This program allows you to watch your FLV files without converting them.

RealMedia AMR Wide-Band Content


Player AMR Wide-Band Content

Player is a program that allows you to play and listen audio and video files.
Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit

Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder

RealPlayer Plus

RealPlayer Plus AMR Wide-Band Content

Flash Movie Player

Flash Movie Player

A free standalone application for Flash, SWF movies and games.
Total Video Converter

Total Video Converter

Total Video Converter is an all-in-one shareware video converter for Windows.

RealArcade AMR Wide-Band Content

game manager.
Viewpoint Media Player

Viewpoint Media Player

Lets you display marketing and advertising available to marketers today.