.BHX file extension

This is the basic program to work with .BHX extension


WinZip WinZip File

With efficient file compression and duplicate file detection, you can store, open, zip, encrypt, and share multiple files and large files quickly and easily. The power of WinZip effortlessly keeps your computer organized and simplifies time consuming tasks. Your time is valuable, spend it on what matters most... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, 7z, iso, rar, tgz, zip, z, tz, uu, bz, bz2, img, b64, bhx, lha, hqx, tar, lzh, mim, taz, tbz, wjf, arc, uue, xxe, ace, arj, cab, jar, tbz2, wzmul, r59, r76, r11, r41, r92, r27, r28, r60, r77, r12, r44, r93, r29, r61, r78, r13, r45, r94, r62, r79, r14, r46, r95, r63, r80, r15, r47, r98, r64, r00, r81, r16, r48, r99, r65, r01, r82, r17, r49, r66, r02, r83, r18, r50, r67, r03, r84, r19, r51, r68, r04, r30, r85, r20, r52, r69, r05, r33, r86, r21, r53, r70, r06, r36, r87, r22, r54, r55, r71, r07, r37, r88, r23, r56, r73, r08, r38, r89, r24, r57, r74, r09, r39, r90, r25, r58, r75, r10, r40, r91 and r26

.BHX extension is also supported by the following programs:


ALZip ALZip bhx File

ALZip offers you a very simple and easy way to manage archive files.

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ZipZag BinHex 4.0 Encoded File

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.