.DEB file extension

This is the basic program to work with .DEB extension


IZArc IZArc DEB Archive

IZArc is a Windows utility that helps you create, edit, convert, and extract archive files with minimum effort. The application is very intuitive, works with multiple archive formats, and provides you with the results you need within moments, without slowing down your PC... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, 7z, iso, rar, tgz, zip, z, a, ha, tz, bh, war, bza, img, zoo, gza, mdf, pak, lha, gca, nrg, tar, lzh, yz1, pdi, taz, b64, mim, tbz, lib, arc, uue, xxe, deb, rpm, cab, mbf, jar, ace, bin, enc, arj, c2d, pk3, bz2, cdi, cpio, r65, r12, r82, r28, r49, r66, r13, r83, r29, r50, r67, r14, r84, r51, r68, r15, r30, r85, r52, r69, r16, r33, r86, r53, r00, r70, r17, r36, r87, r54, r01, r71, r18, r37, r88, r55, r02, r73, r19, r38, r89, r56, r03, r74, r20, r39, r90, r57, r04, r75, r21, r40, r91, r58, r05, r76, r22, r41, r92, r59, r06, r07, r77, r23, r44, r93, r60, r08, r78, r24, r45, r94, r61, r09, r79, r25, r46, r95, r62, r10, r80, r26, r47, r98, r63, r11, r81, r27, r48, r99 and r64

.DEB extension is also supported by the following programs:


7-Zip deb Archive

Pack and unpack the most common archive file formats for free.

PeaZip DEB package

Free ZIP files utility, open 7Z ACE ISO TAR RAR ZIP ZIPX archives (200+ formats).

TUGZip TUGZip debian package archive

TUGZip is a strong utility for archiving with Windows Explorer integration.

ZipZag Debian Package

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.