.HA file extension

This is the basic program to work with .HA extension


IZArc IZArc HA Archive

IZArc is a Windows utility that helps you create, edit, convert, and extract archive files with minimum effort. The application is very intuitive, works with multiple archive formats, and provides you with the results you need within moments, without slowing down your PC... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: 7z, gz, iso, rar, tgz, zip, z, a, ha, tz, bh, gza, mdf, zoo, lha, gca, nrg, pak, lzh, yz1, pdi, tar, b64, taz, tbz, lib, mim, uue, arc, xxe, deb, rpm, cab, jar, mbf, ace, bin, arj, c2d, enc, bz2, cdi, pk3, bza, img, war, cpio, r50, r66, r13, r83, r29, r51, r67, r14, r84, r52, r68, r15, r30, r85, r53, r00, r69, r16, r33, r86, r54, r01, r70, r17, r36, r87, r55, r02, r71, r18, r37, r88, r56, r03, r73, r19, r38, r89, r57, r04, r74, r20, r39, r90, r58, r05, r75, r21, r40, r91, r92, r59, r06, r76, r22, r41, r93, r60, r07, r77, r23, r44, r94, r61, r08, r78, r24, r45, r95, r62, r09, r79, r25, r46, r98, r63, r10, r80, r26, r47, r48, r99, r64, r11, r81, r27, r49, r65, r12, r82 and r28

.HA extension is also supported by the following programs:


ALZip ALZip ha File

ALZip offers you a very simple and easy way to manage archive files.

ZipItFree ZipItFree file

ZipItFree is a free alternative to archive managers like WinZIP or WinRAR.

UltimateZip UltimateZip File

Create, encrypt and extract archive files on your PC.
UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip 2007 UltimateZip File

UltimateZip is a commercial file compression utility.

PowerZip PowerZip Archive

Create password-protected Zip files and encrypt confidential documents.

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BraZip Arquivo BraZip