.MIM file extension

This is the basic program to work with .MIM extension


WinZip WinZip File

With efficient file compression and duplicate file detection, you can store, open, zip, encrypt, and share multiple files and large files quickly and easily. The power of WinZip effortlessly keeps your computer organized and simplifies time consuming tasks. Your time is valuable, spend it on what matters most... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: 7z, gz, rar, tgz, zip, iso, z, tz, uu, bz, lha, hqx, tar, lzh, mim, taz, tbz, wjf, arc, uue, xxe, ace, arj, cab, jar, bz2, img, b64, bhx, tbz2, wzmul, r95, r62, r79, r14, r46, r98, r63, r80, r15, r47, r99, r64, r00, r81, r16, r48, r65, r01, r82, r17, r49, r50, r66, r02, r83, r18, r51, r67, r03, r84, r19, r52, r68, r04, r30, r85, r20, r53, r69, r05, r33, r86, r21, r54, r70, r06, r36, r87, r22, r55, r71, r07, r37, r88, r23, r24, r56, r73, r08, r38, r89, r25, r57, r74, r09, r39, r90, r26, r58, r75, r10, r40, r91, r27, r59, r76, r11, r41, r92, r93, r28, r60, r77, r12, r44, r94, r29, r61, r78, r13 and r45

.MIM extension is also supported by the following programs:


IZArc IZArc MIM Archive

Create and extract archive files on your Windows PC.

ALZip ALZip mim File

ALZip offers you a very simple and easy way to manage archive files.

PowerArchiver PowerArchiver File

Compress files, extract archive content and compile ISO images.

WinAce base64 file

Win-Ace is compression tool that deflates your files at high speed.

ZipGenius MIME Encoded File - ZipGenius File

ZipGenius helps you create ZIP archives and extract files with ease.

ZipItFree ZipItFree file

ZipItFree is a free alternative to archive managers like WinZIP or WinRAR.

StuffIt StuffIt Archive

StuffIt is a powerful and comprehensive archive manager.

ACDSee ACDSee MIM Archive

Organize, view, edit, print, catalog and find all of your graphic files.
UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip 2007 UltimateZip File

UltimateZip is a commercial file compression utility.
PKZIP for Windows

PKZIP for Windows

PKZIP compresses and extracts files to greatly reduce required storage space.

UltimateZip UltimateZip File

Create, encrypt and extract archive files on your PC.
Acubix PicoZip

Acubix PicoZip PicoZip MIM Archive

An easy to use file compression (ZIP) utility packed with lots of features.

VuePrint VuePrint

VuePrint useful tool for image processing and browsing.
StuffIt Standard

StuffIt Standard StuffIt Encoded File

Stuffit Standard is a file compression software that has a great performance.