
.PK3 file extension

This is the basic program to work with .PK3 extension


IZArc IZArc PK3 Archive

IZArc is a Windows utility that helps you create, edit, convert, and extract archive files with minimum effort. The application is very intuitive, works with multiple archive formats, and provides you with the results you need within moments, without slowing down your PC... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: 7z, gz, rar, tgz, zip, iso, z, a, ha, tz, bh, lha, gca, nrg, pak, tar, lzh, yz1, pdi, taz, b64, tbz, lib, mim, uue, arc, xxe, deb, rpm, cab, jar, mbf, ace, bin, arj, c2d, enc, bz2, cdi, pk3, bza, img, war, gza, mdf, zoo, cpio, r51, r67, r14, r84, r85, r52, r68, r15, r30, r86, r53, r00, r69, r16, r33, r87, r54, r01, r70, r17, r36, r88, r55, r02, r71, r18, r37, r89, r56, r03, r73, r19, r38, r90, r57, r04, r74, r20, r39, r40, r91, r58, r05, r75, r21, r41, r92, r59, r06, r76, r22, r44, r93, r60, r07, r77, r23, r45, r94, r61, r08, r78, r24, r46, r95, r62, r09, r79, r25, r47, r98, r63, r10, r80, r26, r27, r48, r99, r64, r11, r81, r28, r49, r65, r12, r82, r29, r50, r66, r13 and r83

.PK3 extension is also supported by the following programs:


PowerArchiver PowerArchiver ZIP File

Compress files, extract archive content and compile ISO images.

TUGZip TUGZip Quake archive

TUGZip is a strong utility for archiving with Windows Explorer integration.

ZipItFree ZipItFree file

ZipItFree is a free alternative to archive managers like WinZIP or WinRAR.

Filzip Filzip file

Filzip is a FREE file compression utility for Windows.
Quick Zip

Quick Zip Pk3 Archive

Quick Zip performs archive operations over a wide range of archive types.

UltimateZip UltimateZip File

Create, encrypt and extract archive files on your PC.
UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip 2007 UltimateZip Pk3 File

UltimateZip is a commercial file compression utility.
PowerArchiver 2009

PowerArchiver 2009 PowerArchiver ZIP File

PowerArchiver is a very powerful file compression utility.

ZipZag Quake Level

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.

WinRAR WinRAR archive

Compress and e-mail files and folders using RAR and ZIP archive formats.

Skulltag ZDoom data file

Skulltag is a port for the original Doom and Doom II.

Zip'N'All ZipNAll pk3 File

PowerArchiver 2003

PowerArchiver 2003 PowerArchiver ZIP File