.RA file extension

This is the basic program to work with .RA extension


RealPlayer RealAudio

RealPlayer is one of the most popular video player and the only player that can play "real video" files properly - real video files are compact in size. The program has an audio/video library just like Windows Media Player. It can also be used to view web pages and download videos... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: flv, wma, mkv, wmv, vob, mp4, mp3, ifo, gif, swf, dat, avi, wm, rf, rp, rt, mov, rv, ra, qt, aa, sc, rm, dv, au, fli, cda, rom, rmx, m4a, m1v, vpg, m4p, dvd, m2v, mp1, mmf, wmx, m4v, acp, m3u, ogg, npi, wvx, rnx, mid, lks, 3g2, bmo, awb, mbc, 3gp, rvx, mpv, bmr, mp2, ivr, m4e, obv, ssm, pls, bmt, wbs, la1, mpa, ram, rmp, lar, mpe, rax, aac, mps, aif, rts, rjs, ac3, rpl, sdp, lqt, mpg, rjt, xpl, asf, smi, mnd, rmi, amr, rec, asx, mns, wav, rmj, wax, rmm, flc, rpm, rmvb, camv, rsml, midi, 3gp2, 3gpp, mpga, lavs, mpeg, aiff, smil, divx, flac, audiocd, r1m, r3t and 78

.RA extension is also supported by the following programs:

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player Realmedia File

A powerful and convenient media manager from Microsoft.


This program lets you manage music bought from Rhapsody website.


QVOD player (Nora) is a powerful universal player.
Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.

Total Video Player is a media player supporting a vast number of file formats.

IrfanView IrfanView RA File

Universal photo viewer, converter, and photo-slideshow creator.
Haihaisoft Universal Player

Haihaisoft Universal Player

This program allows you to play your favorite multimedia files.


JetAudio Basic is a video and music player but it also can burn CD's,record,etc.
RealPlayer Plus

RealPlayer Plus RealAudio Clip

RealPlayer Enterprise

RealPlayer Enterprise RealAudio

RealPlayer Enterprise provides many of the features of the RealPlayer client.

PPStream RealMedia Audio

Pure Codec Player

Pure Codec Player RealAudio

It installs 3 different players and codecs required to play video files.