.VBDPROJ file extension

This is the basic program to work with .VBDPROJ extension

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect 2003 - English

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect 2003 - English Visual Basic .NET Device Project

The program works with the following extensions: ico, h, i, c, s, cs, vb, mk, rc, rul, jsl, vap, tlh, cpp, sln, lst, tli, cxx, trg, mak, def, udf, map, tab, vdp, udt, srf, vjp, dmp, usr, mdp, prc, dsp, dsw, odh, sql, odl, dbp, hpp, dbs, hxx, viw, rc2, asm, dtq, web, rct, etp, idl, res, ext, fky, inc, xsx, rgs, kci, inl, lib, cod, lgn, sdl, mdmp, wsdl, asax, ascx, asmx, aspx, java, disco, vbproj, csproj, vcproj, vdproj, config, vbdproj, csdproj, webinfo and vjsproj

.VBDPROJ extension is also supported by the following programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Academic 2003 - English

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Academic 2003 - English Visual Basic .NET Device Project

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Visual Basic .NET Device Project

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic for Devices Project file