.YFS file extension

This is the basic program to work with .YFS extension

Yahoo! Player

Yahoo! Player Yahoo! Formatted Skin

Yahoo! Player makes it easy to find and play the best music, videos, and radio stations available on the Internet. By downloading the Yahoo! Player application to your computer, you can play MP3s, CDs, and video clips. You also get the following features: Latest music news, interviews, free music downloads, audio books, and videos The best radio stations on the Internet -lookup service that automatically finds and displays the title, artist, and song titles of the current CD Personalize the player to your own personality using the skins feature... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: wma, wmv, mp3, avi, wm, au, cda, snd, m1v, wav, m2v, wax, m3u, mid, wmx, mod, wvx, mp2, pls, ivf, aif, yfs, mpa, ypl, mpe, ysx, asf, asx, mpg, rmi, midi, mp2v, aifc, aiff, mpeg and mpv2

.YFS extension is also supported by the following program:


ZipZag Yahoo! Player Skin

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.