
.Z file extension

This is the basic program to work with .Z extension


WinRAR WinRAR archive

WinRAR is a tiny, but powerful archiver that can reduce the size of files and folders. This program uses its proprietary RAR format, which provides better compression than ZIP. WinRAR can compress files and folders into both RAR and ZIP archives. It can also be used to unpack a variety of other formats including CAB, ARJ, and Z... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: 7z, gz, tgz, zip, iso, rar, z, uu, bz, uue, xxe, ace, arj, cab, bz2, jar, bin, sda, lha, lzh, ear, rev, war, tar, par, taz, tbz, tbz2, r70, r04, r36, r87, r20, r54, r71, r05, r37, r88, r21, r55, r73, r06, r38, r89, r22, r56, r74, r07, r39, r90, r23, r57, r75, r08, r40, r91, r24, r58, r76, r09, r41, r92, r25, r59, r77, r10, r44, r93, r26, r60, r78, r11, r45, r94, r27, r61, r62, r79, r12, r46, r95, r28, r63, r80, r13, r47, r98, r29, r64, r81, r14, r48, r99, r65, r82, r15, r49, r66, r00, r83, r16, r50, r67, r01, r84, r17, r51, r68, r02, r30, r85, r18, r52, r69, r03, r33, r86, r19, r53, 001 and 004

.Z extension is also supported by the following programs:


WinZip WinZip File

Store, open, zip, encrypt, and share large files quickly and easily.

IZArc IZArc Z Archive

Create and extract archive files on your Windows PC.

7-Zip z Archive

Pack and unpack the most common archive file formats for free.

ALZip ALZip z File

ALZip offers you a very simple and easy way to manage archive files.

PowerArchiver PowerArchiver GZIP File

Compress files, extract archive content and compile ISO images.

jZip jZip archive file

Fast and free compression tool to extract and create various types of archives.

PeaZip Z compressed file

Free ZIP files utility, open 7Z ACE ISO TAR RAR ZIP ZIPX archives (200+ formats).

ZipGenius Z - ZipGenius File

ZipGenius helps you create ZIP archives and extract files with ease.

TUGZip TUGZip TAR archive

TUGZip is a strong utility for archiving with Windows Explorer integration.

BitZipper BitZipper Z Archive

BitZipper is an advanced data compression utility for Windows users.

ZipItFree ZipItFree file

ZipItFree is a free alternative to archive managers like WinZIP or WinRAR.

Filzip Filzip file

Filzip is a FREE file compression utility for Windows.

PowerDesk PowerDesk.Archive

PowerDesk® Pro 7 is a full featured file manager for your PC.


Zipeg is a universal easy to use and freeware file opener for .zip and .rar.