.ZIPSENDTOPKZIP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .ZIPSENDTOPKZIP extension

SecureZIP for Windows

SecureZIP for Windows SecureZIP

SecureZIP gives you a host of tools to create and manage ZIP files and other types of archives. You can add files to an archive from multiple folders, create and name folders inside an archive to organize archive contents, and update an archive from a saved list of files... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, rar, tgz, zip, z, bz, tar, tbz, uue, xxe, cab, jar, hqx, arj, bz2, lha and lzh

.ZIPSENDTOPKZIP extension is also supported by the following program:

PKZIP for Windows

PKZIP for Windows PKZIP

PKZIP compresses and extracts files to greatly reduce required storage space.