.AKP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .AKP extension

Quick Zip

Quick Zip Akp Script

Quick Zip allows you to perform powerful archive operations over a wide range of archive types using a familiar explorer-like interface. Feature file explorer-like interface lets you access disk folders and archives in same interface without having to learn new software. Such options as "Extract and Add" can be used via drag & drop or Toolbar commands... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, 7z, rar, tgz, zip, z, rs, bz2, pk3, sit, akp, lha, aks, lzh, pak, bza, tar, taz, gza, hog, uue, imp, xxe, sqx, wad, yz1, cab, jar, wsz, b64, ace, rpm, arj, enc, czip, r64, r81, r12, r48, r99, r28, r65, r82, r13, r49, r29, r66, r83, r14, r50, r67, r84, r15, r51, r68, r00, r30, r85, r16, r52, r69, r01, r33, r86, r17, r53, r70, r02, r36, r87, r18, r54, r71, r03, r37, r88, r19, r55, r73, r04, r38, r89, r20, r56, r74, r05, r39, r90, r21, r57, r75, r06, r40, r91, r22, r58, r76, r07, r41, r92, r23, r59, r77, r08, r44, r93, r24, r60, r78, r09, r45, r94, r25, r61, r62, r79, r10, r46, r95, r26, r63, r80, r11, r47, r98 and r27

.AKP extension is also supported by the following programs:

Speedsoft VSampler

Speedsoft VSampler VSampler3 File

Speedsoft VSampler 3.5 turns your PC into a 255 voices polyphonic sampler.
AOK Mod Pack Studio

AOK Mod Pack Studio Mod Pack Studio Project

ModPack Studio - designed to help players create ModPacks.