.AKS file extension

This is the basic program to work with .AKS extension

Quick Zip

Quick Zip Aks Script

Quick Zip allows you to perform powerful archive operations over a wide range of archive types using a familiar explorer-like interface. Feature file explorer-like interface lets you access disk folders and archives in same interface without having to learn new software. Such options as "Extract and Add" can be used via drag & drop or Toolbar commands... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: 7z, gz, zip, rar, tgz, z, rs, wad, yz1, cab, jar, wsz, b64, ace, rpm, arj, enc, bz2, pk3, akp, sit, aks, lha, bza, tar, lzh, pak, gza, taz, hog, imp, uue, xxe, sqx, czip, r39, r90, r21, r57, r74, r05, r40, r91, r22, r58, r75, r06, r41, r92, r23, r59, r76, r07, r08, r44, r93, r24, r60, r77, r09, r45, r94, r25, r61, r78, r10, r46, r95, r26, r62, r79, r11, r47, r98, r27, r63, r80, r81, r12, r48, r99, r28, r64, r82, r13, r49, r29, r65, r83, r14, r50, r66, r84, r15, r51, r67, r85, r16, r52, r68, r00, r30, r86, r17, r53, r69, r01, r33, r36, r87, r18, r54, r70, r02, r37, r88, r19, r55, r71, r03, r38, r89, r20, r56, r73 and r04

.AKS extension is also supported by the following programs:


ZipZag ZipZag Script

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.

Wanees Arabia Player Skin Script

AOK Mod Pack Studio

AOK Mod Pack Studio Mod Pack Studio Script

ModPack Studio - designed to help players create ModPacks.