.CBZ file extension

This is the basic program to work with .CBZ extension


TUGZip TUGZip RAR archive

TUGZip is a very strong freeware utility for archiving with Windows, which provides support for a large range of encoded, compressed, and disc-images files. It also includes very powerful features in a very easy-to-use application interface and Windows Explorer integration. .. (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, 7z, iso, rar, tgz, zip, a, z, bz, bh, arj, lib, img, pk2, nrg, bz2, pk4, wal, wsz, arc, lha, tar, lzh, deb, taz, rpm, tbz, ear, imp, pk3, sqx, cab, war, gca, jar, zoo, yz1, bin, ace, cbz, c2d, cpio, r87, r25, r54, r70, r09, r36, r88, r26, r55, r71, r10, r37, r89, r27, r56, r73, r11, r38, r90, r28, r57, r74, r12, r39, r40, r91, r29, r58, r75, r13, r41, r92, r59, r76, r14, r44, r93, r60, r77, r15, r45, r94, r61, r00, r78, r16, r46, r95, r62, r01, r79, r17, r47, r98, r63, r02, r80, r18, r19, r48, r99, r64, r03, r81, r20, r49, r65, r04, r82, r21, r50, r66, r05, r83, r22, r51, r67, r06, r84, r23, r52, r68, r07, r30, r85, r86, r24, r53, r69, r08 and r33

.CBZ extension is also supported by the following programs:



Zipeg is a universal easy to use and freeware file opener for .zip and .rar.

StuffIt Zip StuffIt Archive

StuffIt is a powerful and comprehensive archive manager.

ComicRack eComic

With ComicRack we can open our favorite ecomics and we can enjoy of them.

CDisplayEx Comic archive

Is a Comic reader based on CDisplay and supports jpeg png gif and bmp images.

Comical Comic Book ZIP

Comical 0.8 is a free CBR and CBZ GUI comic book reader.
ChessBase Light 2007

ChessBase Light 2007 ChessBase Crypted Database


GonVisor GonVisor

It is a multiple-format viewer which supports pictures, comics or magazines.

ChessBase ChessBase Crypted Database

ChessBase 13 is a personal, stand-alone chess database.
ChessBase 9

ChessBase 9 ChessBase Crypted Database


ACDSee ACDSee CBZ Archive

Organize, view, edit, print, catalog and find all of your graphic files.

CoView Coview.exe

Read your comics in a clean and easy to use interface with CoView.
ChessBase Reader

ChessBase Reader ChessBase Crypted Database

Open chess games database files and play through the games.

HoneyView3 HoneyView File(.cbz)

HoneyView is an easy-to-use image viewer with filters and effects.
Distinct Network Monitor

Distinct Network Monitor

Distinct Network Monitor is an essential utility in every network administrator.