.PMP file extension

This is the basic program to work with .PMP extension


MpcStar PMP video file

MPCSTAR is an all-in-one package of video player, audio player and many codecs. It contains a user-friendly player and carefully selected codecs to support various media formats. With MPCSTAR, you would be able to play all your movies and music downloaded from the internet... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: vob, mp4, swf, ifo, wma, wmv, flv, dat, mkv, avi, ts, rm, mov, rp, rt, qt, wm, tp, amr, drc, m2v, vg2, flc, d2v, mp2, wmp, fli, dsa, m4e, mpa, pva, m1a, dsv, ram, mpe, pmp, m4v, smv, mpg, vp6, bik, mpv, m2a, ssm, roq, sdp, tpr, smi, fla, lsf, ivf, 3g2, pss, asf, dss, 3gp, asx, scm, ogg, dsm, ogm, m1v, mp2v, mpeg, rmvb, mpv2, smil, 3gp2, flic, 3gpp, hdmov, mpcpl and ratdvd

.PMP extension is also supported by the following programs:



QVOD player (Nora) is a powerful universal player.
Pure Codec Player

Pure Codec Player PMP Mobile Video

It installs 3 different players and codecs required to play video files.

VuePrint VuePrint

VuePrint useful tool for image processing and browsing.
Helicon Filter

Helicon Filter

Helicon Filter is a program for image editing with task oriented interface.

PHPMaker PHPMaker Project

Generate PHP from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
Fantasy CodecPack

Fantasy CodecPack PMP Mobile Video


Player Sony PMP Movie

Player is a program that allows you to play and listen audio and video files.