.SDS file extension

This is the basic program to work with .SDS extension


Winamp Winamp media file

Winamp is an advanced audio and video player, which was released in 1997. It comes with a comprehensive list of features, including the ability to manage media files in your computer. Winamp can automatically scan selected folders and sub-folders in your computer to add audio/video files to its media library... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: mp3, mp4, wma, avi, wmv, flv, mpp, as, sf, xi, au, it, xm, m4e, mp2, nst, caf, pvf, rmj, wpz, nsv, kar, rmx, cmf, okt, vlb, sdc, gmd, mpg, ptm, m4a, w64, aif, sds, hmi, rmi, s3m, m4b, ape, hmp, snd, s3z, m4v, xpl, asf, mpc, hmz, wav, stm, b4s, fla, asx, wax, stz, pls, mac, amf, mss, ult, sd2, mat, far, mus, voc, dts, mp+, cda, xmi, wmx, wal, shn, m2v, itz, aip, wpl, wsz, mp1, wlz, m3u, mdz, med, wvx, xmz, ogg, mid, miz, dsm, aac, avr, ogm, mtm, mjf, apl, htk, vqf, mod, nsa, raw, paf, mpeg, m3u8, aiff, mids, flac, midi, audiocd and 669

.SDS extension is also supported by the following programs:


StarOffice StarOffice 5.2 Chart

StarOffice supports the OpenOffice.org XML file format.
Sequence Diagram Editor

Sequence Diagram Editor Sequence Diagram Editor System File

Creates call flows & UML sequence diagrams from textual inputs.

OpenOffice OpenOffice.org 5.0 Chart

It is designed for word processing, presentations, graphics and databases.

SwiftDisc SwiftDisc project file

Easy to use and reliable CD/DVD burning wizard.
Sonic Foundry SoundForge

Sonic Foundry SoundForge MIDI Sample Dump Standard Audio

Sothink FLV Player

Sothink FLV Player Winamp media file

This program allows you to watch your FLV files without converting them.

jetAudio Winamp media file

JetAudio Basic is a video and music player but it also can burn CD's,record,etc.
7500 Fast System

7500 Fast System SDS v1.x Document

Anole Media Player

Anole Media Player Winamp media file