.SQX file extension

This is the basic program to work with .SQX extension


TUGZip TUGZip SQX archive

TUGZip is a very strong freeware utility for archiving with Windows, which provides support for a large range of encoded, compressed, and disc-images files. It also includes very powerful features in a very easy-to-use application interface and Windows Explorer integration. .. (more)

The program works with the following extensions: gz, 7z, iso, rar, tgz, zip, a, z, bh, bz, bz2, pk4, wal, wsz, arc, lha, tar, lzh, deb, taz, rpm, tbz, ear, pk3, imp, war, sqx, cab, zoo, gca, jar, yz1, bin, ace, cbz, c2d, arj, lib, img, pk2, nrg, cpio, r11, r38, r89, r27, r56, r73, r12, r39, r90, r28, r57, r74, r13, r40, r91, r29, r58, r75, r76, r14, r41, r92, r59, r77, r15, r44, r93, r60, r78, r16, r45, r94, r61, r00, r79, r17, r46, r95, r62, r01, r80, r18, r47, r98, r63, r02, r81, r19, r48, r99, r64, r03, r82, r20, r49, r65, r04, r83, r21, r50, r66, r05, r84, r22, r51, r67, r06, r30, r85, r23, r52, r68, r07, r33, r86, r24, r53, r69, r08, r09, r36, r87, r25, r54, r70, r10, r37, r88, r26, r55 and r71

.SQX extension is also supported by the following programs:


ZipGenius SQX - ZipGenius File

ZipGenius helps you create ZIP archives and extract files with ease.
Quick Zip

Quick Zip Sqx Archive

Quick Zip performs archive operations over a wide range of archive types.

SpeedCommander Sqx Archive

SpeedCommander is a neat, comfortable to use file manager.

ZipStar Sqx Archive

ZipStar is a FREE and very basic file compression utility for ZIP archives.

ZipZag Squeez Archive

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.

Squeez Sqx Archive

It had born as a file compression utility and presently supports 13 formats.