.STC file extension

This is the basic program to work with .STC extension


OpenOffice OpenOffice.org 1.1 Spreadsheet Template

OpenOffice.org is an office suite designed for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. It lets you create mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing your formulas into the equation editor. You can also produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: sfs, ots, sxd, scc, ott, sxi, oxt, sxm, pot, sxw, pps, vor, dot, sda, xlw, smf, sdc, odb, odf, sdd, pdt, odg, sds, psw, odm, sdw, pwd, odp, sgl, pwi, ods, stc, pwt, xlt, odt, std, sqf, otg, sti, smd, oth, stw, otp, sxc and fods

.STC extension is also supported by the following programs:

Macromedia Contribute

Macromedia Contribute Macromedia Contribute Setup File

Scrapbooks Plus

Scrapbooks Plus Scrapbook Factory Trading Cards

Preserve precious memories with creative scrapbooking softwa.
Scrapbook Factory

Scrapbook Factory Scrapbook Factory Trading Cards

Preserve precious memories with scrapbook software.
Scrapbook Factory Deluxe

Scrapbook Factory Deluxe Scrapbook Factory Trading Cards

Scrapbook Factory Deluxe - Create memories to last a lifetime.
Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory

Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory Scrapbook Factory Standard Trading Card

Preserve precious memories with America's #1 best-selling scrapbook software.
Adobe Contribute CS3

Adobe Contribute CS3 FileType_en_US_default


eXPerience Wings XP embroidery design

eXPerience 5 is the complete professional embroidering package.

StarOffice StarOffice 7 Spreadsheet Template

StarOffice supports the OpenOffice.org XML file format.
Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory Deluxe

Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory Deluxe Scrapbook Factory Deluxe Trading Card

AutoEnginuity's ScanTool

AutoEnginuity's ScanTool ScanTool Configuration

It's a software that can read and clear freeze frame data.

ARM ARM ST Criteria

The MDK-ARM is a complete software development environment for Cortex™-M.
Adobe Contribute CS4

Adobe Contribute CS4 FileType_en_US_default


SprutCAM SprutCAM project file

A widely used CAD/CAM/OLP system for CNC machines and industrial robots.