.WAL file extension

This is the basic program to work with .WAL extension


Winamp Winamp extension installation file

Winamp is an advanced audio and video player, which was released in 1997. It comes with a comprehensive list of features, including the ability to manage media files in your computer. Winamp can automatically scan selected folders and sub-folders in your computer to add audio/video files to its media library... (more)

The program works with the following extensions: mpp, mp3, mp4, wma, avi, wmv, flv, xm, as, sf, xi, au, it, mp1, wlz, m3u, mdz, med, wvx, xmz, ogg, mid, miz, dsm, aac, avr, ogm, mtm, mjf, apl, htk, vqf, mod, nsa, raw, paf, m4e, mp2, nst, caf, pvf, rmj, wpz, nsv, kar, rmx, cmf, okt, vlb, sdc, gmd, mpg, ptm, m4a, w64, aif, sds, hmi, rmi, s3m, m4b, ape, hmp, snd, s3z, m4v, xpl, b4s, asf, mpc, hmz, wav, stm, fla, asx, wax, stz, pls, mac, amf, mss, ult, sd2, mat, far, mus, voc, dts, mp+, cda, xmi, wmx, wal, shn, m2v, itz, aip, wpl, wsz, midi, mpeg, m3u8, aiff, mids, flac, audiocd and 669

.WAL extension is also supported by the following programs:


TUGZip TUGZip WinAmp skin archive

TUGZip is a strong utility for archiving with Windows Explorer integration.

PowerArchiver PowerArchiver ZIP File

Compress files, extract archive content and compile ISO images.
UltimateZip 2007

UltimateZip 2007 UltimateZip File

UltimateZip is a commercial file compression utility.

Unlimited_Winamp Winamp extension installation file


UltimateZip UltimateZip File

Create, encrypt and extract archive files on your PC.
Winamp Pro

Winamp Pro Winamp extension installation file

It allows you to listen, watch and manage music and video content.
Winamp Nokia Edition

Winamp Nokia Edition Winamp extension installation file


ZipZag Winamp 3 Skin

Handles Rar, Zip, Bz2, Ace, 7z, Iso, Cbr, Cbz, Tar, Cab, Jar, Msi, Pk3, Pak, Lzx.
Winamp Remote

Winamp Remote Winamp extension installation file

WinAmp Remote 2.2 is a utility to stream MP3s on your disk through the Internet.
Monkey for Winamp

Monkey for Winamp Winamp extension installation file